
Jiuzhai Valley and draft environment in Cryengine

Jiuzhaigou (九寨沟 ) is a nature reserve in the north of Sichuan province which is my hometown in south western China. It is officially known as Jiuzhai Valley in English. It is known as the habitat of giant pandas and for its many multi-level waterfalls and colorful lakes. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992. The images above are Shuzheng Gully in Jiuzhaigou.


Coca Cola: colacompany.com/dynamic/press_center/2011/03/fortunes-list-of-worlds-most-admired-companies.html
Facebook: http://www.kansascity.com/2012/05/14/3609633/facebook-is-more-than-the-years.html
Take 2: http://topics.nytimes.com/topics/news/business/companies/take-two-interactive-software-inc/index.html



This is the link to cryengine model uploaded to mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/?fef80j29nh1re2w

Final monuments

The huge horizontal and vertical blocks joined together to create the sense of unbalance due to gravity.

The monuments are made by combining different sizes planes and blocks perpendicular to each other also to the landscape - cliffs, flat sections.
The pattern of the texture applied to the monuments is similar to the vertical and horizontal formed structure of the monument.

The textures i applied to the monuments due to some uncertain fact, are not able to be exported to cryENIGINE. As a result the texture in monument above is the only texture shown. I tried really hard to fix this problem, but haven't got a clue.I'm really sorry about this. I'll keep working on this :)

Sketchup model

This is the link to my final model in 3D warehouse


Electroliquid Aggregation & three axo combinations

                 Two concepts based on: 
1.Santiago Calatrava: Defying the gravity in an obvious way.
2. Louis Kahn: Displaying in horizontal and vertical sections simultaneously.

 Electroliquid Aggregation:

The distinct combination of horizontal and vertical sections expressing the architecture a strong sense of gravity-defying

 Two concepts based on:
1.Santiago Calatrava: Unconfined boundaries, permeable, porous sculptures.
2.Louis Kahn: No hiding the weight, material or the way they were assembled in heavy buildings.

Two concepts based on:
1.Louis Kahn: Use the shapes and planes to create space.
2. Santiago Calatrava: Strong biomorphic suggestiveness, most work is inspired by nature.


Axo combination in environment


36 Textures (from dark to light)